16 2022-09
How to Thin Out a Hair System for Your Clients: A Step-by-Step Guide


If you work with hair systems on a regular basis, you know that a natural look and feel is one of their most desired attributes. Unfortunately, many women who choose to wear these wigs find them uncomfortable due to the volume of synthetic fibers packed in. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the amount of material needed without compromising the integrity or appearance of your client’s final result. This article will walk you through methods for thinning out hair systems—beginning with the raw materials and continuing all the way through installation. It will also provide information on which clients are best suited for this service as well as resources to help you get started now and continue learning later on.


What is Hair System Thinning?

Thinning out a hair system is the process of reducing the amount of material needed for a particular style. Hair stylists and technicians employ this technique for numerous reasons—including the challenge of fitting a certain type of hair into a certain head shape or minimizing the density of synthetic fibers. Hair systems come in a variety of types including human hair, synthetic hair, and a combination of both. While human hair is the most natural looking and feeling, it’s also the most expensive and most challenging to work with. Synthetic hair is less expensive, easier to style, and more easily manipulated than human hair.


Why is Thinning Out Important?

If you can’t fit a particular hair type or length into a specific head shape, thinning out is an important part of the service. This allows you to make the most of the hair you have as well as provide your client with the style they want while reducing the weight and bulkiness of their hair system. A situation where thinning out is likely needed is with long human hair wigs. Although these are incredibly natural looking, they are also very heavy and often cause discomfort for those who wear them. Thinning out this type of hair allows you to shorten it without sacrificing the look or texture.


How to Thin Out a Hair System

While there are various ways to thin out a hair system, the process generally begins with the removal of excess material from the hairpiece’s base. This can be done manually, using scissors or an electric trimmer, or with specialized thinning shears. The remaining hair is then divided into sections, which are woven together and used to create the desired style. Thinning out a hair system is a difficult service to learn and perfect, but it can greatly improve the user experience of a hair system. In addition to reducing the amount of material, thinning out allows you to better distribute the hair, giving it a thicker and more natural look and feel.


Which Hair Should You Use for Thinning?

The hair you use for thinning out a hair system—and the method you use to do so—will depend largely on the type of hair being used. When thinning out a hair system made with synthetic hair, use synthetic hair of a comparable type and length. You can blend human hair with synthetic hair, but human hair is generally too thin and delicate to be used for the task. When thinning out human hair, you can use synthetic hair of a similar type, length, and color. This can help reduce the amount of human hair needed for a particular style, as well as cut down on the amount of blending needed.


Tips for Successful Thinning Out

There are several things to keep in mind when thinning out a hair system. You’ll want to make sure you’re using the right type of hair and shears or blades. You’ll also want to use the appropriate amount of pressure and be mindful of the direction in which you’re cutting. Here are a few more tips to help you improve your technique: – Use the right tools. Thinning shears are designed for this purpose and can provide a cleaner cut than manual blades. – Use enough pressure. Too little pressure will result in a rough cut that leaves pieces of hair in your client’s hairline. Too much pressure will cause you to cut too far down and damage the hair system. – Cut in the direction of the hair’s growth. This will help reduce the appearance of any nicks and improve the overall look of your work. – Be mindful of where the hair is being cut. Avoid cutting the hair near the scalp and, if possible, don’t cut too close to the hairline. – Be careful cutting very long hair. Long, heavy hair can be challenging to work with, and it’s easy to accidentally pull on it.


Bottom Line

A hair system is an excellent alternative to traditional wigs, but many women find that their hair systems feel too heavy and bulky. Thinning out a hair system can allow you to make the best use of the available hair as well as give your clients a lighter and more comfortable experience. It’s a challenging service to learn, but it’s also an incredibly useful skill to have. Whether you’re working in a salon or at home, this is a service that can greatly enhance the experience for many women.

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